Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Stacking and Stockpiling

Stacking coupons is the term that is used when you combine a manufacturer's coupon with a store coupon to get the maximum discount possible on an item. Triple stacking or "the magic formula", also known as "the triple threat" (by me) is when you have the perfect combination of store coupons, manufacturers coupons, and rebates or promotions from a store or manufacturer to make the item free or a MM (Money Maker). We call it a money maker when the right combination of coupons, rebates and promotions actually results in you being paid to take the item home. For example, I found an internet printable coupon for $1 off ANY 1 Johnson & Johnson's item (excluding 4 oz. size). The Johnson's Buddies individual soap bars were priced at $0.97 at Walmart. With the above mentioned coupon, I got the soap for free, plus an overage of $0.03. I walked away from the store with $0.03 more than I came with.

If you find that after using your coupons, an item is free or very little Out Of Pocket (OOP), you should stock up on that item. This is called Stockpiling. If you wait until you are out of toothpaste, chances are it will be more expensive and/or you will not have a coupon. Short-term loss, long-term gain. (I don't have to buy dish detergent for probably a year or more). Don't stock up on things that are perishable. Types of things to stock up on are:

Oral care items
Hair care products
Shaving products
Cleaning supplies
Canned items
Pasta noodles
Soap/body wash
Packages snacks (not more than your family can use before their expiration)
Juice for kids (unrefrigerated)
Frozen items (that you know will last a while in the freezer)
Gifts (toys, baby items, wedding gifts, etc...)

These are just examples of common items. You can make your own stockpile list with items that suit your family's needs and space.


  1. I just wanted to say that if you can get cheap or free non perishable food item that you can't use, you could donate it to a food bank or a mission. And help someone who can't afford it.

  2. Lorene, you are absolutely right about donating to others what you cannot use. I am planning on doing a post about this and other similar ideas in the next few days. Be sure to check back for this one.
