A good way to get more coupons is to contact the manufacturer of a product directly either by phone or email with compliments, complaints, or simply asking them if they have any coupons that they would be willing to send you for their brand of products. I recently called Playtex baby products inquiring about available coupons, and the woman at customer service took down my address and sent me 2 coupons for $3 off any Playtex feeding products. By chance, I received the coupons at the best possible time when Target was having a sale on Playtex sippy cups ($4 for the package of two 9 ounce sippy cups). I got 2 packages for $1 each (4 total cups). Contacting manufacturers can really pay off.
Ok, so here's my challenge to you. I have compiled a pretty good list of manufacturer's contact information for you. They are broken down in Baby/Kids, Beverages, Food Companies, and Health & Beauty/Cleaning Products. Pick 10 of your favorite companies, call, and ask them if they can send you as many coupons for their brand of products as possible.
Ready, set, go!!!Oh, I almost forgot, please leave me a comment or email me with what you were offered so that I can post a list so others can see the benefits of doing this. And if you think of a product/company that's not listed, please comment or email me so that I can add it for you. I'm excited to see what you all come up with.
Manufacturers Contact Information
Baby/KidsBeech-Nut Nutrition Corp. 800-523-6633, or
Earth’s Best Baby Food 800-434-4246, or
onlineGerber 1-800 4-Gerber, or
onlineHuggies Diapers 1-888-525-8388, or
onlineLUV’S DIAPERS 1-888-665-3257, or
onlineMam baby Products
online only
online only
PAMPER’S DIAPERS 1-800-Pampers, or
onlinePlaytex 1-888-310-4290, no email available at this time
BeveragesBarq's Inc. 601-432-7001, part of the Coca-cola company of products
Coca-Cola Co. 800-438-2653
Dr. Pepper/ 7 up 800-696-5891, or
onlinePepsi- Cola 800-433-2652, or
onlineTree Top 800-542-4055, or
onlineWelch's, Inc. 716-326-3131, or
onlineFood CompaniesCampbell Soup Company 800-257-8443, or
onlineCon-Agra 402-595-6000, or
online (Brands also on this link)
Del Monte Foods 415-247-3000, or
onlineDole Food Co. 800-232-8888, or
onlineFresh Express Inc. 800-242-5472, or
onlineFrito-Lay, Inc. 800-352-4477, or
onlineGeneral Mills Consumer Services 800-248-7310, or
onlineHeinz USA 800-255-5750, or
onlineHormel Foods Corp. 800-523-4635, or
onlineJ.M. Smucker Co. 888-550-9555, or
onlineJennie-O Foods Inc. 800-621-3505, or
onlineJohnsonville Foods Inc. 888-556-BRAT, or
onlineKraft Foods 877-535-5666, or
onlineKellogg Company 800-962-1413, or
onlineKeebler Co., same contact information as
Kellogg’sM & M/Mars Div. Mars Inc. 800-222-0293, or
onlineNestle USA, Inc. 800-225-2270, or
onlineOre-Ida Foods, Inc. 800-892-2401, or
onlineOscar Mayer, same contact information as Kraft Foods
Pepperidge Farm, Inc. 800-243-9314, or
onlinePillsbury Co. 800-775-4777, or
onlineQuaker Oats Co. 800-FOR-OATS, or
onlineS&W Fine Foods Inc. 800-252-7033, or
onlineStouffer Food Corp. 800-225-1180, or
onlineTyson Foods, Inc. 800-643-3410, or
onlineHealth& Beauty, & Cleaning CompaniesArm & Hammer Division 800-952-5080, or
onlineClorox Co. 800-537-2823, or
onlineColgate 800-468-6502, or
onlineDial Soap 800-528-0849, or
onlineJohnson & Johnson 706-245-7353, or
onlineProcter & Gamble 800-543-7276,
brands here,or
online (part of LUVS diaper company)
S.C. Johnson 800-494-4855, or
onlineUnilever US, Inc. 800-328-7248,
brands here , or